
Lichen600x397The Owlet will produce up-to-date reviews of scientific research. We will survey trends in biology and identify how the latest data takes science research in new and unexpected directions. The scientific findings and their implications will be summarized and presented in a clear and understandable manner. Educators who are aware of the current state of scientific research will be better prepared to teach the next generation of scientists.

The reviews are designed to:
1. Make cutting edge research accessible to teachers
2. Revise and update scientific knowledge
3. Provide instructional materials and ideas for classroom use

Members can pose questions or comments below each of the reviews.

Vaccines: How do they work?
Vaccines: How do they work? November 1, 2020Vaccines have saved millions of lives from infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Currently, with some success, we are developing vaccines…
Stem cell biology and regeneration
Stem cell biology and regeneration July 9, 2020Scientists have recognized the power of stem cells when used for medicinal and scientific purposes. The fact that these cells can proliferate continuously …
Biosynthesis and inheritance of organelles during the cell cycle
Biosynthesis and inheritance of organelles during the cell cycle January 2, 2018Organelles are produced by two mechanisms….. and their inheritance is controlled by….
The Stomata: evolution and response to the changing environment
The Stomata: evolution and response to the changing environment October 9, 2017The evolution of the stomata is of utmost importance in the regulation of water in the atmosphere and the maintenance of the Earth water system as well as….
The microbiome and us
The microbiome and us June 2, 2017Why should we care about our Microbiome? In recent years it has become obvious that microbes, bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses are an integral part of our body. The effects on our health and disease are very much influenced by ...
The many faces of Cell Death
The many faces of Cell Death May 29, 2015Cell death is necessary during several normal cellular processes like patterning of the vertebrate digits, pruning neuronal connections, and clearing aging and defective cells…
Understanding Ebola: pathology, transmission, and treatment.
Understanding Ebola: pathology, transmission, and treatment. September 1, 2014The Ebola viral infection is characterized by immune suppression and wide systemic inflammatory response that can lead to …
Guidelines to conducting a microbiome study.
Guidelines to conducting a microbiome study. August 12, 2014It has been increasingly obvious that our microbiome plays a critical role in health and disease. This …
Epigenetics and the regulation of gene expression
Epigenetics and the regulation of gene expression July 14, 2014Epigenetics is a very active area of research in biology, it refers to cellular events that control and modify gene expression. In the name epigenetics, epi means removed from, and genetics relates to DNA.
The Pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMO) May 18, 2014Author: Dr. Johanna T. Ohlmeyer The advent of genetic engineering has allowed us to harness the power of genetics and molecular biology. Today, we are able to select useful characteristics of one species of organism and express them in a different ...