News from the Owlet

Hot from the scientific Press

Progress and standing questions about the origin of the Eukaryotes.
Classroom relevance: One of the most popular ways to teach ….
How can I use this post for class instruction? There are many interesting lessons that can be written to teach this topic …
Bloom Taxonomy, NGSS connections, Core Ideas, Crosscutting concepts, Practices

New advances, problems, and future challenges of the re-emerging Pertussis or whooping cough. 

Cell Biology:
The three dimensional organization of the DNA in the nuclei is orchestrated by the protein CTCF

Climate Change
The effects of fresh water acidification on Salmon growth and viability.
Classroom relevance: This paper and topic are important because…
How can I use this post for class instruction? This paper’s data is in the form of …
Bloom Taxonomy, NGSS connections, Core Ideas, Crosscutting concepts, Practices

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