Lesson Plan Bank

lichenAQPThe Lesson Plan Bank is an immediate and practical resource for teachers. The goal is to develop lesson plans that are scientifically sound and pedagogically excellent. We cover topics that are traditionally taught at school as well as others that are important because of new advances in the life sciences.

Most lesson plans can be easily adapted for different grade levels (elementary, middle, and high school), and suggestions for classroom implementation will be offered.

sunflower600x297The Tree/Web of Life
The objective of this curriculum is to make students aware of the great diversity of life on Earth. Lesson plans explore the concept that the differences between species are determined by their roles in life and their interactions with the environment.

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rhododendron  The Tree/Web of Life for High School
Professional Development at the Plainsboro Preserve

These lesson plans are based on the high school curriculum and some of them use primary literature results. We have considered linear progressions, the NGSS, Bloom taxonomy, and pedagogical techniques like UBD, web diagramming, inquiry, and PBL.

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Sand600x397Integrative Sciences: Biology and Physics
The integrative sciences provide a powerful approach to thinking about science as a unified discipline, while also exposing students to the distinct historical disciplines.

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voleyThe Human Body
This curriculum explores how our bodies work and how they respond to environmental and lifestyle challenges. The objectives are to identify these health challenges, and to propose actions to stay healthy as individuals and as communities.

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pansies Biological Sciences
Several areas of biology are represented in this section of lesson plans:

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